

Sense of agency refers to the feeling of control over actions and their consequences.

Agency is an award-winning human-centred design firm with extensive experience in consulting and advising organisations globally.

We solve complex challenges by leveraging the synergy between strategy, design and rapid prototyping to create future-focused and value-driven solutions.

Pete and Lishan started Agency in 2016 after spending the good part of a decade at renowned design firm IDEO.

"We chose to stay, build and invest in design capabilities in Singapore, and have grown in our ambition and confidence about the potential for the practice of strategic design to flourish in the region. Agency was named after our intent; the empowerment we want our clients to feel and the impact we want our work to have."

Our Vision

To activate human-centred design as the compass to innovation in Asia. We make impact tangible, achievable and sustainable for organisations seeking change.

Our Mission

To enable organisations to make brave leaps towards the future, with human-centred tools and methods designed to systematically reduce uncertainties.
Our Values

What drives our work

Informed Optimism

Leading with curiosity and possibility, but always grounded in human-centred truths gathered from rigorous research. It is easier to critique rather than explore the problem and advocate for what could be.

Bias Towards Tangibility

As designers, we are obsessed with real world application, not the realm of theory. This gives us the confidence to embrace and navigate ambiguity.

Relentless Collaboration

Innovation cannot be achieved in silos. We collaborate even when it is inconvenient or difficult in order to go further and faster to achieve the breakthroughs we seek.

Brave Honesty

Great work requires honest feedback, but that is not always easy to do. We strive to always lean into difficult conversations with respect, candour and openness.

Healthy Discontentment

We are guided by an unwavering conviction to do the right thing and to do it well. We are constantly challenging ourselves and rolling up our sleeves to iterate and improve.

Space To Change

In order to grow, we need to intentionally design the space for perceived limits to expand, enabling the capacity for businesses to act.

Meet our team

We have assembled a team of individuals who are strategic generalists capable of problem-solving across a wide array of briefs, while being excellent in their core disciplines. This allows us to take design from conception to implementation. We intentionally design bespoke project teams that complement our client's existing team's strengths and needs.

Leadership Team

Pete Overy
To his colleagues, Pete is like the real-life Morpheus who creates the space, time, and resources necessary to make alternate and desired futures for clients come to life. With over 20 years of experience working at the intersection of service design, organisational change, and implementation, global leaders come to him because of his expertise in breaking things apart and putting them back together again in new and innovative ways. Leading the pioneering team at IDEO Singapore and Co-founding AGENCY, Pete strives to ensure that everyone - from clients to teams and the end customer - has an impact and enjoys the process along the way. Inspired by his love for Star Wars, there are a few things that he likes better than telling a good story, especially one that helps to frame new opportunities and builds new universes for clients.
“You see things; and you say ʻWhy?ʼ But I dream things that never were; and I say ʻWhy not?ʼ”
- George Bernard Shaw
Co-founder & Managing Director
Lishan Soh
Known for her ‘lie detection skills’ and keen intuition, Lishan believes that businesses behave a lot like human beings. Trained as a journalist and design researcher, she wields her empathy skills to humanise complexity found in people and organisations alike. With 14 years of experience spanning service experience design, organisational design, new product development and communications strategy, her expertise is in unearthing the underlying beliefs and behaviours that create ‘win-win’ situations and symbiotic relationships for everyone. Part of the pioneering team behind IDEO Singapore and now a co-founder of AGENCY, Lishan is passionate about creating the right culture for people to feel confident about making the judgment calls necessary to uncover new and unexplored territory. She has worked with every industry that provides ‘essential services’ to humans - such as sex, beer, money and health. When she’s not on the field, you can find Lishan’s alter ego ‘the florist’ making floral arrangements as a side hustle.
“Dissonance / (if you are interested) / leads to discovery.”
- William Carlos Williams
Co-founder & Research Director
Katherine Dale
After over a decade of helping Fortune 500 brands integrate digital into their overall business strategy in the U.S., Katherine has found passion in focusing on human-centred design’s role in the creative process to build products and services that improve the lives of those who use them. Most recently, she was the Managing Director of a global experience design agency where she grew and managed the Singapore business, established new global client relationships, and built and led a talented team by investing in their professional development as well-rounded leaders. As AGENCY’s Business Director, Katherine advises our leadership team while finding balance between the needs of our people and the needs of our business. With over 15 years of experience in business operations, process management, and client relations, Katherine is focused on supporting the overall running and growth of AGENCY’s people and business. Outside of the office, this California native and ex-New Yorker is a full-time mother, a wannabe pro-wakeboarder, and an Italian-at-heart wine connoisseur and pasta maker.
“The beauty of empowering others is that your own power is not diminished in the process.”
- Barbara Coloroso
Business Director
Bee Bee Ooi
As Agency’s Finance Operations Director, Bee Bee is a resourceful, dynamic and passionate detective, who makes any problem seem small, and uncovers new ways to tackle the most complicated of challenges. She brings over a decade of start-up agility and adaption, along with depth in lean operational management, to unlock an environment that is seamless, inspiring and supporting for every single member of the team at AGENCY from newbies to the most senior. She brings a balanced approach to improving the culture,
“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.”
– Steve Maraboli
Finance Operations Director

Our Agents

Chloe Lam
Chloe puts people to shame with her incredible 'Do you mean like this?' translation, mapping, and framing skills. Her ability to effectively turn theory into actionable insights and tangible design stems from her academic training as a Cultural Studies researcher and over six years of experience in brand experience design. Her diverse expertise spans consumer research, retail strategy, service design and prototyping. Now, as a Design Strategy Lead, she's adept at balancing the 'design thinking' and 'design doing' so teams and businesses can spend less time being stuck and more time creating real impact for people, together. When she's not with the team at AGENCY, you'll find Chloe teaching, gardening, or taking long walks around the island.
“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.”
- Roald Dahl
Design Strategy Lead
Joel Ong
Joel has always been in the 'people business' as a restauranteur, with over 16 years working with leading hospitality brands across Los Angeles, Singapore, and Jakarta. He believes that the key to good business is designing simple and intuitive processes that enable people to make good decisions and focus on what matters. But to him, this doesn't just mean serving his end customers well but caring for and building up the people that he manages. Adept at taking brands from design concepts to execution, including operations and P&L management, he's now excited to apply his human-centered business savvy into designing innovative products and experiences that positively impact society. When not playing competitive strategy games, he can usually be found obsessing over food, the stories behind how food is made or finding people to share food with.
“It's not important what people think when you come in, it's much more important what people think when you leave.”
- Jurgen Klopp
Business Strategy Lead
Wei Han
Juxtaposedwith a methodical demeanour, Wei Han has a penchant for seeking chaos only to find peace in recognising patterns in systems and behaviours. His experiences stretch from making investments through structured diligence and data-driven analysis at one of the world’s largest investment firms to building ventures in ambiguous zero-to-one setups at the frontier of new technologies. This paradoxical range helps him to translate strategic visions into tactical roadmaps while building bridges between design, business, and technology to turn ideas into viable products.
“The greatest danger to our future is apathy."
– Jane Goodall
Business Design Lead
Dora Augustin
Dora has more than 8 years of working experience in the creative industry. After working on a variety of projects in the field of advertising, B2B marketing, enterprise blockchain, government services, and digital products, she has learned to quickly adapt to the ever-changing industry landscape. She strives to understand the big picture while contributing towards specific deliverables through close collaboration with others. She wants to explore the potential of technology in creating positive changes on people's lives by having better experience and easier ways of doing things.
“The most essential prerequisite to understanding is to be able to admit when you don't understand something."
- Richard Saul Wurman
Senior Interaction Designer
Erick Dizon
An experienced service delivery lead in regional and global capacity, Erick supports AGENCY’s service and interaction design by lending his rich industry perspective to craft delightful experiences at every touchpoint, digital or otherwise. Before AGENCY, Erick spent the last two decades in tech organisations leading service delivery teams, managing P/L and interfacing with corporate clients on both local and global coverages. He is committed to impeccable delivery standards from discovery and conception all the way to deployment and implementation.
“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”
- John Wooden
Senior Interaction Designer
Darren Loo
With a few years of experience in social media marketing at Goodstuph and HappyMarketer, Darren is excited to build his communications design practice away from the traditional pathway of graphic design, which he was trained in. And it’s his passion for science fiction and anthropogenic futures that guides him. Darren believes that designers have the opportunity and skillset to build these potential possibilities for clients by tapping into their own experiences to communicate a story through the design. With the right process in place, he loves how something small can be designed into a bigger universe. Darren views design not as a means to an end, but the pathway to making a bigger impact. His heart also lies in printmaking, which he tinkers with in his spare time.
“By all means break the rules, and break them beautifully, deliberately and well.”
- Robert Bringhurst
Communications Designer
Gracia Fei
Gracia is an interaction designer who lives in the intersection of interaction, service, experience and communication design as well as design research. She loves to work on projects that are fundamentally about empowering people in the sense of making complex things knowable, making intimidating things conquerable and making dreary things fun. She believes in the value of taking silliness seriously in every step of the design process. She is also an illustrator, and takes great joy in using visual communication to bring clarity and flavour to every stage of design.
“Mom, I am a rich man.”
- Cher
Interaction Designer
Zou Ling Xue
Ling Xue is perpetually curious about the how and why of a good narrative, especially in the forms of visual and motion graphics. After graduating from NTU with a BA in Animation and Visual Effects, she has garnered experience in digital communications, audio-visual production and B2B content marketing.
You cannot alter your fate, my prince. However, you can rise to meet it if you choose.
- Wise Woman of the Emishi
Multimedia Producer
Cleavan Whitnell
Passionate about ethics in technology, accessibility, and universal design, Cleavan thrives on drawing out lived experiences, sifting through shared humanity, and weaving insights into impactful anchor points for action. This penchant for connecting human stories with business needs developed from a background in Conflict Resolution, as well as facilitating multiracial and interfaith dialogues and Futures Thinking co-creation workshops. Eagerly uncovering new holistic ways to surface personal narratives, Cleavan embraces inspiration and explores innovation with a steadfast commitment to amplify human voices.
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple"
- Oscar Wilde
Design Researcher
Welyn Goh
Welyn is a versatile multidisciplinary designer with expertise in Branding, Advertising, UI/UX, Design Research, and Innovation. Driven by an innate curiosity about the human condition, Welyn derives her energy from unraveling the complexities of what makes people tick. She thrives on listening to life stories, viewing each interaction as an opportunity for learning. Through absorbing the nuances of human existence, she expands her worldview both as a designer and a human being. With her blend of expertise, Welyn seamlessly draws from various schools of thought and toolkits inherent to each discipline. Her ability to pull insights from different areas extends beyond crafting polished designs; it's also about the agility to make and break things fast. Welyn enjoys getting scrappy, designing and running quick experiments to validate ideas. You might also stumble upon her in vintage stores; otherwise, she’s probably burrowing away in her next craft project.
“The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a human heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.”
Albert Camus
Experience Designer
Get In Touch

Make brave leaps with us! But first, tell us who you are.